We have already got a clear picture of Huawei's upcoming premium flagship smartphone in the past, revealing all the design and highlights in some previously surfaced leaked renders. Today, we have camera-centric leak coming exclusively from Teme (特米), the popular Twitter-based user known for leaking Huawei devices. In one of his latest tweet, the tipster explains the camera module and the main sensor configuration of the higher-end model from the next in line Huawei frontrunner series, supposedly scheduled for a release later this month. So, here we see the P40 Pro detailed to feature Sony's 1/1.28" IMX700 52MP main sensor with Hexadeca Bayer technology, another Sony 1/1.5" IMX650 40MP ultra wide Cine RGGB lens. There is an unknown telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom, a 10x optical zoom capable dual prism periscope sensor with 2P1G lenses as well as a Time of Flight (ToF) sensor along with the dual-tone LED flash light.
Source: Teme (特米) (Twitter)
i think the camera of Huwaei Whatmobile are just average
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