Redmi has officially launched their latest smartphones from the popular Note series, announcing Redmi Note 9 Pro and Note 9 Pro Max in India earlier this afternoon in a virtual press conference held by the team of Xiaomi India. The former arrives with a square-shaped 48MP AI quad camera array on the rear, a 16MP secondary selfie camera positioned in the front punch hole, Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G chipset, a 6.67" FHD+ DotDisplay in protection of Corning Gorilla Glass 5, side mounted fingerprint scanner, a large 5020mAh Li-Polymer powered battery and packs an 18W flash charger in box, while the latter higher-end model Note 9 Pro Max will sport an improved 64MP AI primary lens in charge of the same square-shaped quad camera arrangement on the rear, an upgraded 32MP punch hole style front facing snapper and a 5020mAh battery unit, but shipping with 33W fast charger out of the box. Apart from camera and fast charging adapter, the phones remain identical to each other and will make to the consumers in Glacier White, Interstellar Black and Aurora Blue color options, also offering P2i's nano-coating technology. The pricing for the new Redmi Note 9 Pro starts at $175.14 for the 4GB RAM/64GB ROM option and the 6GB RAM/128GB ROM adaption will come in at $215.55. Speaking about the Note 9 Pro Max, we will see the base variant at $202.08 featuring 6GB RAM/64GB storage, going up to $229.03 for the 6GB RAM/128GB ROM alternative, while the 8GB RAM/128GB ROM model will set you back for $255.97. The first sale for Note 9 Pro is scheduled on March 17 and for Note 9 Pro Max on March 25 in India, when the phones will be made available on and well as on Amazon India, with retail outlets across the country to be followed soon. Xiaomi will announce all the launch offers for the smartphones on March 16.
Redmi Note 9 Pro
Redmi Note 9 Pro Max