Realme announced India's first 5G smartphone, the Realme X50 Pro 5G back in February and now the company has finally decided to make the handset available in mainland China, by officially announcing the handset's launch date for the country from their formal account on the Chinese microblogging website Weibo. Realme will be announcing their latest device in China on March 12, and the phone is expected to arrive as the same global edition, with support to dual-mode SA/NSA capable 5G connectivity, 65W worth "SuperDart Charge" technology, painted in both Moss Green and Rust Red color options. The new phone in the East Asian country will be joined the vanilla Realme X50 5G, that made it debut back in China towards the beginning of this year. The phone will make it's first appearance in the People's Republic of China on March 12 as aforementioned at 2:00 PM (local time).
Source: Weibo
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