Just a while back we saw Xiaomi India cancelling their all upcoming on-ground events for the month of March including the Redmi Note launch due to Coronavirus concerns. Now we see a similar move from Realme as well, as the company's Chief Executive Officer, Madhav Sheth took his official Twitter handle to announce that the manufacturer have called off their Realme 6 and 6 Pro launch event that was scheduled for March 5, 12:30 PM at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, India over the present reports of the novel Coronavirus outbreak and impact, also taking advisory from the health officials in the country. Keeping the safety of their attendees, media and team members in mind, the company have decided to cancel the event to maintain the safe social distance as a precautionary measure. The company will however give a live speech in stadium and live stream the launch of Realme 6 series online live on their formal YouTube channel, Realme India. Apparently, Sheth has also announced that Realme will be giving away Realme Band to every single person who booked a ticket to the event as a special gesture providing full refund of the ticket value.
In light of current reports of #coronavirus impact & related advisory by health officials to maintain social distance as a precautionary measure, I'm calling off our biggest event. Will still give live speech in stadium with you watching #realme6series event online. #HealthFirst— Madhav 5G (@MadhavSheth1) March 3, 2020
Source: Madhav 5G (Twitter) 1, 2Providing full refund of ticket value.— Madhav 5G (@MadhavSheth1) March 3, 2020
I know how excited you were for #realme6series launch,
so as a special gesture will be giving a #realmeBand to every single person who booked a ticket.
Details will be sent via mail.
Livestream at 12:30PM, 5th March.https://t.co/Xclg5ILkHl pic.twitter.com/BiMmMaawr7