In an exclusive interview with c|net, the Chief Executive Officer of OnePlus, Pete Lau confirmed that all upcoming models from OnePlus 8 lineup will support dual-mode SA/NSA capable 5G connectivity. We already know OnePlus is working one three new smartphones, named OnePlus 8 Lite, the recently leaked OnePlus 8 Pro and a vanilla OnePlus 8, that is expected some time in April. According to Lau, this as an opportunity that, the Chinese manufacturer wants to capture, and even hinted towards the possibilities of seeing higher-priced tags for their next generation 5G smartphones, compared to 4G LTE devices, due to the rise in the cost of this new technology.
I want to restate our commitment to 5G and our long term investment. We've been investing in 5G for several years and we see this as the direction going forward and one we're very much committed to, said Pete Lau, CEO of OnePlus.Source: c|net