Protect yourself from Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The best way to prevent the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic illness is by avoiding your exposure to the virus. Clean your hands often, use soap and water for at least 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to clean your hands more frequently.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands or after being in the public.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Maintain a safe distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community.
Stay home if you’re sick and take help from local health authorities and medical professionals.
Make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze. Properly dispose the used tissues in the trash, and immediately clean your hands with soap and water or a hand sanitizer.
Wear a face mask if you are sick or if you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. Do not wear a face mask unless you are caring for someone who is sick.

Bill Gates steps down from the board of Microsoft

Microsoft on Friday announced that Bill Gates, the co-founder of the company will be stepping down from the Corporation's Board of Director's. However, Gates will still continue to serve as the Technology Advisor to Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella and to other leaders in the company. On June 2008, Gates left his day-to-day role in the company to spend more time at Gates Foundation, while still continuing to serve as Microsoft's Chairman of the Board until February 4, 2014.
It's been a tremendous honor and privilege to have worked with and learned from Bill over the years. Bill founded our company with a belief in the democratizing force of software and a passion to solve society's most pressing challenges. And Microsoft and the world are better for it. The board has benefited from Bill's leadership and vision. And Microsoft will continue to benefit from Bill's ongoing technical passion and advice to drive our products and services forward. I am grateful for Bill's friendship and look forward to continuing to work alongside him to realize our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more, said Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella.
On behalf of our shareholders and the Board, I want to express my deep appreciation to Bill for all his contributions to Microsoft. As a member of the Board, he challenged us to think big and then think even bigger. He leaves an enduring legacy of curiosity and insight that serves as an inspiration for us all, said John W. Thompson, Microsoft Independent Board Chair.

Source: PR Newswire