Vivo after the fair success of U10, is now here with their latest release in India and their brand new notch style handset is named U20. The Vivo U20's first sale will go live on November 28. The device will be sold through India's e-commerce retail giant for a price of $153.08 for the 4GB RAM with 64GB internal storage option and the 6GB/128GB variant will set you back for $167.01, both unlocked. The phones will come in Blaze Blue and Racing Black paint jobs.
The smartphone will ship with a 6.53" Full High Definition+ display with 90.3% screen to body ratio and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 AIE chipset. On the back houses a triple AI camera setup with a 16MP primary lens with Sony's IMX499 sensor, an 8MP ultra-wide shooter and a 2MP macro lens, and from the front we have got 16MP secondary camera. The device also pack a fingerprint sensor on the back and has a 5000mAh battery with 18W fast charging technology and will run on latest Android OS. Apart from the hardware, the Vivo U20 also brings a lot of offers to the buyers where you can avail $13.93 off on prepaid orders, Jio benefits worth $83.57 and also no cost EMI plan upto 6 months.