Samsung may re-introduce optical fingerprint scanners on their upcoming Galaxy frontrunner smartphones according to some new reports coming in from South Korea. The manufacturer have already faced legal allegations and been to some serious controversies in the past regarding security concerns over the Qualcomm made 3D Sonic fingerprint readers they introduced with Samsung Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note 10 lineup of devices.
The phone maker was hit by security flaws in late October for their ultrasonic fingerprint scanners. These type of scanners use ultrasonic waves under the display to read the user's fingerprint, when compared to the vanilla optical fingerprint readers and is said to be unlocked by other fingerprints apart from the owner's. Following these insecurities, there are reports suggesting that Samsung may stop the use of Qualcomm's 3D Sonic Sensors on their future devices as more people are into accessing their bank accounts on their smartphones these days. These words come in from an analyst who have doubts whether we will ever see Samsung use these scanners again instead of opting the traditional optical readers.
"If Samsung Electronics replaces the fingerprint sensors in question with traditional optical scanners, this would benefit domestic companies that offer optical scanners," said Samsung's Securities Analyst Lee Jong-wook.Source: TheKoreaTimes