The mastermind behind all product designs for Apple all these years is reportedly no longer a part of the American technology company. Apple's Chief Design Officer Jony Ive has reportedly left the corporation as expected. His name seems no longer listed in Apple's Leadership page suggesting an official depart. Here we recall that, on June 27 Apple made it clear that Ive will leave the company later this year to start an independent designing firm with his friend and collaborator Marc Newson, called the LoveFrom, that will work with Apple for their future products from the Americans. This was what Apple's CEO Tim Cook had to say then,
“Apple will continue to benefit from Jony’s talents by working directly with him on exclusive projects, and through the ongoing work of the brilliant and passionate design team he has built."Jony Ive was formally recruited to Apple as their full-time employee first on September 1992, where he had quit the job on several occasions. Ive became Apple's Senior Vice President of Industrial Design later in 1997 with the return of Steve Jobs. Since then he was in charge and responsible for the manufacturer's most successful hardware designs and sketching all major innovations in Apple's consumer technology, starting from the first generation Apple iMac's to the latest Apple Watches and even their store designs and delineation of Apple Park. Later in 2015 he was was promoted as the Chief Design Officer of Apple. Software and Hardware Design is now said to be under the charge of Apple's Chief Operating Officer, Jeff Williams.