Oppo announced a new variant of their flagship Reno 3 smartphone launched back in China, in December 2019. The launch of the brand new smartphone has been made in Sri Lanka, bringing the Oppo Reno 3 with 4G LTE capabilities. In the past we saw the Reno 3 Pro make it's debut in India with 4G LTE support, unlike the models from their home country that features the fastest 5G dual-mode SA/NSA connectivity. The phone packs an 6.4" Full HD+ display with a water drop style notch housing a 44MP sensor, a MediaTek MT6779V Helio P90 SoC, coupled with 8GB RAM and 128GB internal expandable storage. Around the back, rests a quad rear camera module with a 48MP optics in charge, a 4025mAh powered battery unit with VOOC Flash Charge 3.0 support and runs ColorOS 7 based on Androids's version 10. You can choose the Oppo Reno 3 between Midnight Black and Auroral Blue color options. Unfortunately, the pricing and availability details were not disclosed by Oppo.
Source: oppo