Xiaomi India just released a statement regarding their forthcoming Redmi Note launch in India. The company has officially cancelled their event that was originally scheduled for March 12 on 12:00 PM, in fears of the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak globally and concerns over it's spread in the host country India. Manu Kumar Jain, the Global Vice President of Xiaomi and Managing Director of Xiaomi India took his formal Twitter handle to announce that his company have cancelled their upcoming Redmi Note launch and will no longer hold any on-ground events in the month of March in India following the risk involved in the current unprecedented situation of the global outbreak and widespread of Coronavirus COVID-19, where thousands of people around the world are affected severely. Apparently, Manu Kumar Jain also assured us a "Note-worthy" online-only event for their announcement of the next generation Xiaomi Note 9 series and will live stream the event on all their social media channels as well as on mi.com on the same day.
Due to recent reports of COVID-19 Corona Outbreak in certain parts of the country, we've decided to not host product launch events on-ground in March. This is keeping in mind safety of fans, media friends, employees & partners. I urge you all to stay safe, said Jain.
Source: Manu Kumar Jain (Twitter)📢#Note the update: Due to recent reports of COVID-19 #CoronaOutbreak in certain parts of the country, we've decided to not host product launch events on-ground in March.— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) March 3, 2020
This is keeping in mind safety of fans, media friends, employees & partners. I urge you all to stay safe. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/SOdDZtSkmo
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