Some new reports are surfacing on the internet that claims the Beijing based manufacturer is in plans to launch their latest flagship handsets from Note and MIX series to India. Following the official announcement of the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 in Spain a few weeks back, now there have been claims from 91mobiles suggesting a possible launch of the world's first 108MP penta-camera setup Android running smartphone alongside the Mi MIX Alpha to the Indian soil to contend it's rivals from OnePlus, Realme, Oppo and Vivo.
According to the folks from 91mobiles, the company is supposedly working on a attainable date to introduce these devices to the country. It is also worth noting that the Mi Note 10 will be their first phone since 2017 that won't ship running Android One out of the box, as the phone will embrace MIUI based Android OS 9.0.
Source: 91mobiles