Protect yourself from Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The best way to prevent the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic illness is by avoiding your exposure to the virus. Clean your hands often, use soap and water for at least 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to clean your hands more frequently.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands or after being in the public.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Maintain a safe distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community.
Stay home if you’re sick and take help from local health authorities and medical professionals.
Make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze. Properly dispose the used tissues in the trash, and immediately clean your hands with soap and water or a hand sanitizer.
Wear a face mask if you are sick or if you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. Do not wear a face mask unless you are caring for someone who is sick.

Samsung outs it's Quarter 1, 2014 earnings report

The big South Korean multinational electronics corporation, Samsung's Quarter 1 earnings reports are now out officially, again recording some big numbers to the sales with their division of smartphones and tablets. The whole division of the firm ended their counting of the Quarter 1 at a net income of 7.57 Trillion won over the sales of 53.68 Trillion won in revenue. Samsung's Quarter 1 consolidated operating profit reported 8.49 Trillion won.

The company's IT & Mobile Communications division posted a mark of operating profits 6.43 Trillion won on 32.44 Trillion won in revenue for this quarter that ended by March. Where out of the whole IM earnings, mobile business were responsible for a gain of 31.36 Trillion. Koreans also made a note that, the market demand on smartphones and tablets are relatively less in the first quarter, but still the operating profits have gained 18 percent more, when compared to the previous quarter.

As of the smartphones made by Samsung, the sales of Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 have helped them boost on track, along with Samsung's new flagship handset, the Galaxy S5. For the tablets side, the company managed to ship 13 Million units during this weak and slowest quarter, while receiving a good amount of sales on their 12.2-inches slates, the Galaxy Note Pro and Galaxy Tab Pro devices. The firm now expects it's Galaxy S5 sales to surpass the Galaxy S4 sales in the upcoming quarter. Samsung looks forward to the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Brazil, as new mobile devices and display panels used in premium smartphones are headed towards to market for consumers, already.

"While developed markets are expected to lead global economic recovery, macroeconomic uncertainties, such as currency fluctuation in emerging markets due to QE tapering in the US, are expected to continue in 2014, we expect our overall earnings to improve starting from the second quarter, driven by improvements in the Display Panel segment and the Consumer Electronics division in conjunction with steady growth momentum in mobile and memory businesses,"  said Robert Yi, Senior Vice President and Head of Investor Relations.