A new real life image of the Nokia 5.3 and some details have been shared by a Twitter-based user named zoksh, who is no longer available on the platform but thanks to Nokiapoweruser, we once again see the rear side of the forthcoming HMD Global smartphone. The handset comes featuring a round-shaped camera module on the back with four sensors arranged inside the protective glass covering, along with a LED flash positioned to the center and a dedicated fingerprint scanner sitting right below the optics. The phone is also tipped to pack depth and macro sensors of two megapixels each, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 SoC with a 4000mAh powered battery, a 6.55" HD+ water drop style notch display and reportedly runs Android's OS version 10. The phone is expected to arrive on March 19 in London, coming out of the box in shades of Charcoal, Cyan Green (as seen above) and Sand hues.
Source: Nokiapoweruser