Take a look at the upcoming surprise from the Beijing-based Chinese consumer electronics company, Xiaomi. The all new alluring smartphone you see above is reportedly their latest offering from the firm's Mi MIX fleet, the alleged Xiaomi Mi MIX 4. This latest leak in a real life picture again makes it's way from the reliable and well liked tipster, @Slashleaks from Twitter. But this time around it's not just the phone's image that he tweeted, but also some valuable details on the device's specifications and other launch information.
When we take a look at the smartphone closely, what startle's us is the front facing camera of the handset that appears to be placed under the display, which is something new from the trend that's been lately followed by the phone maker's around the world. Apart from that, the design aesthetics of the so called Mi MIX 4 falls in line with the Mi MIX squad of smartphones featuring an all screen display setup. But not just the old flat all screen display, the latest phone from the reported image looks to bring a well curved exhibit stretching the pixels to either sides of the phone in Quad High Definition resolution at refresh rates that reads 60, 90 and 120Hz. The new phone from Xiaomi is also said to apparently carry a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ processor, UFS 3.0 supported storage and stereo sounds. For camera we are expected to see Xiaomi's lately favorite 108MP primary sensor from Sony that debuted on their Mi Note 8 and Mi MIX Alpha, alongside a 20MP + 12MP + 5MP quad camera marshalling on the back with an aforementioned dual front facing camera that sits under the display with 12MP and 2MP sensors.
We also heard from our sources that Xiaomi won't bring this smartphone to the public appearance on December 10, as we anticipate a launch for the Mi MIX 4 more likely towards then end of this month or this year. We don't see any specific dates mentioned to watch out for.
Source: /LEAKS (Twitter)#Xiaomi - #MiMix4 - New live photos Mi MIX 4 and the full characteristics of the smartphone https://t.co/uJIQhW4b2u pic.twitter.com/CJcuo3dcI5— /LEAKS (@Slashleaks) December 2, 2019