
Protect yourself from Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The best way to prevent the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic illness is by avoiding your exposure to the virus. Clean your hands often, use soap and water for at least 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to clean your hands more frequently.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands or after being in the public.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Maintain a safe distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community.
Stay home if you’re sick and take help from local health authorities and medical professionals.
Make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze. Properly dispose the used tissues in the trash, and immediately clean your hands with soap and water or a hand sanitizer.
Wear a face mask if you are sick or if you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. Do not wear a face mask unless you are caring for someone who is sick.

LG made Google Nexus 5's inventory box allegedly pictured

We are still unclear, what is making Google take so long to announce their 2013 flagship smartphone, the South Korean LG manufactured Nexus 5? 

As we know, the LG Google Nexus 5 has remained as one of the most predominantly leaked smartphone ever since it showed up in the hands of a Google employee. We have seen it in rumors and leaks like the live handheld photos, press rendered images, videos, retail packages, on webpages and even in the Google Play Store.

And what you see above is a allegedly pictured photograph reporting from LG Canada's distribution center. The several pallets of the handset's inventory boxes sitting in their warehouse waiting for it's shipments and also Google to announce it officially.

Source: NeoGAF, TechnoBuffalo